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ROBOVIS 2026 will be held in conjunction with ICISSP 2026, ICPRAM 2026 and BIOSTEC 2026.
Registration to ROBOVIS allows free access to the ICISSP, ICPRAM and BIOSTEC conferences (as a non-speaker).

Although the conference is back to the normal mode (i.e., in-person) speakers are allowed to present remotely if unable to travel to the venue (hybrid support).

Upcoming Submission Deadlines

Regular Paper Submission: October 8, 2025
Position/Regular Paper Submission: November 27, 2025

(See Important Dates for more information)
Robotics is a field that is closely connected to Computer Vision and Intelligent Systems. Research and development of robots require technologies originating from the other two areas; the research work in Computer Vision has often been driven by needs in Robotics; Intelligent Systems models and software have often been developed aiming at applications in the areas of physical agents, i.e. robots, or in domains related to scene understanding, video and image processing, and many other aspects of computer vision. There is a need for a venue where these three research communities, often isolated, meet and discuss innovation possibilities driven by the intersection of these highly synergetic fields.

Conference Areas

1 . Robotics

2 . Computer Vision

3 . Intelligent Systems

Conference Chair

Joaquim FilipePolytechnic Institute of Setubal / INSTICC, Portugal


Juha RöningUniversity of Oulu, Finland
Luís Paulo ReisUniversity of Porto, Portugal

Communications in Computer and Information Science

It is planned to publish a short list of revised and
extended versions of presented papers with
Springer in a CCIS Series book

Proceedings will be submitted for evaluation for indexing by:
