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Keynote Lectures

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Roland Siegwart, ETH Zürich, Switzerland

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Luís Paulo Reis, Faculty of Engineering / LIACC, University of Porto, Portugal

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Honghai Liu, School of Creative Technologies, University of Portsmouth, United Kingdom


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Roland Siegwart
ETH Zürich

Brief Bio

Roland Siegwart (1959) is full Professor of Autonomous Systems at ETH Zurich since July 2006 and Founding Co-Director of the Wyss Zurich. From January 2010 to December 2014, he took office as Vice President Research and Corporate Relations in the ETH Executive Board. He is member of the board of directors of various companies, including Komax and NZZ.

He received his Diploma in Mechanical Engineering in 1983 and his Doctoral Degree in 1989 from ETH Zurich. He brought up a spin-off company, spent ten years as professor at EPFL Lausanne (1996 – 2006) and held visiting positions at Stanford University and NASA Ames.

He is and was the coordinator of multiple European projects and co-founder of half a dozen spin-off companies. He is IEEE Fellow, recipient of the IEEE RAS Inaba Technical Award and officer of the International Federation of Robotics Research (IFRR). He is in the editorial board of multiple journals in robotics and was a general chair of several conferences in robotics including IROS 2002, AIM 2007, FSR 2007 and ISRR 2009. 

Roland Siegwart's research interests are in the design and control of robot systems operating in complex and highly dynamical environments. His major goal is to find new ways to deal with uncertainties and enable the design of highly interactive and adaptive autonomous robots. Prominent application examples are personal and service robots, autonomous micro-aircrafts, walking and swimming robots and driver assistant systems. Furthermore, he is a strong promotor of innovation and entrepreneurship in Switzerland

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Luís Paulo Reis
Faculty of Engineering / LIACC, University of Porto

Brief Bio
Luis Paulo Reis is an Associate Professor at the University of Porto in Portugal and Director of LIACC – Artificial Intelligence and Computer Science Laboratory. He is an IEEE Senior Member, and he is the President of APPIA - Portuguese Association for Artificial Intelligence. He is also Co-Director of LIACD - First Degree in Artificial Intelligence and Data Science. During the last 25 years, he has lectured courses, at the University, on Artificial Intelligence, Intelligent Robotics, Multi-Agent Systems, and Simulation. He was the principal investigator of more than 30 research projects in those areas. He won more than 60 scientific awards including winning more than 15 RoboCup international competitions and best papers at conferences such as ICEIS, Robotica, IEEE ICARSC and ICAART. He supervised 22 PhD and 150 MSc theses to completion and is supervising 12 PhD theses. He was a plenary speaker at several international conferences, organised more than 60 international scientific events and belonged to the Program Committee of more than 250 scientific events. He is the author of more than 400 publications in international conferences and journals.

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Honghai Liu
School of Creative Technologies, University of Portsmouth
United Kingdom

Brief Bio
I received a PhD in Intelligent Robotics from King's College, University of London. I am a Chair in Human Machine Systems at the University of Portsmouth, the Director for Biomedical Robotics and Intelligent Systems since 2005. I previously worked in industry on large-scale industrial control and system integration projects, and held appointments at the University of London and University of Aberdeen. My research focuses on motion sensing and understanding and its applications to human machine systems, particularly those approaches which could make contributions to the intelligent connection of perception to action with applications in exploring solutions to children with Autism Spectrum Disorder and stroke patients. I appreciate financial support from the Royal Society, the Royal Academy of Engineering, EPSRC, EU 7th Framework Programme, SEEDA, Japan Society for the Promotion of Science and the British Council, as well as national and international industrial and academic partners.

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